
About Us

A Plus A for Development Co.Ltd was incorporated in Khartoum, Sudan on September 6th, 2011

A Plus A Story

A Plus A is a trading company specializing in an extensive line of trading that includes agricultural commodities trading, metal products, marine products, forest products, oil products, livestock, as well as food applications solutions and whole food products trading.We offer superior products at extremely competitive rates as a result ofour relationships with top manufacturers and growers. All our product offerings, without exception, conform to the strictest quality standards as per the customer’s requirements. We utilize only top tier independent surveyors to ensure product quality and quantity specifications




We are committed to being a responsible company, ensuring that our operations are environmentally and socially sustainable for the longterm. This means not only taking into account the needs of our customers and shareholders but also those of our employees, and our suppliers.

Purpose & Value


Competition – we are committed to free and fair competition and whilst competing strongly will do so honestly by complying with all local competition laws


Confidentiality and accuracy of information – the confidentiality of information received in the course of business will be respected and never used for personal gain. False information will not be given in the course of commercial negotiations.